Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kaytlynn is such a girl

Kaytlynn likes to change clothes about 8 times a day. Usually the outfits are...well....she has no style. Brad got her a cute little pink sun dress with white hearts. When she woke up from her nap, she came out and did that heavy panting thing with a little bit of a squeal or a squeak coming out and started stripping as fast as she could so she could put on the "petty dwess" She is officially out of the stage of wanting cars like her brothers. She wanted to show grandpa the pretty dress, so we got on the webcam. She wanted to go to his house and had a little angry face down on the ground fit when she found out it was just the webcam. What a girl!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mothers Day Hike

I had a great Mothers Day. First I came home from work and got to sleep for 6 or 7 hours. Woo-hoo! When I got up, it was such a gorgeous day that I decided I wanted to go on my favorite hike for mothers day. So we got everyone loaded up into the mini-van and headed up Provo Canyon, past Sundance, to the hiking spot for Stewart Falls. This hike is really pretty, nice, and easy. It doesn't usually take very long. We made it there by 5:45 and started hiking. Brad-well geez. I don't think I've ever been hiking with him before! A little walk in the hills of Scotland is all. He came armed with a knife with a compass, those dinner ration packs, solar blankets, 4 bottles of water, jackets, M&M's, diapers, a filter water bottle, flashlights, and more. I don't know how much that backpack weighed, but it must have been heavy. Soon after we got there Brad had a walking stick. I brought my cell phone. That's all I needed. You get in trouble, you call someone :) Usually I just bring my cell phone, a bottle of water, and some toilet paper. Brad didn't bring any toilet paper or wipes. Funny.

This is a hike that I used to go on on summer nights with a full moon. A bunch of us would get together wearing shorts and sandals and hike to the falls by the light of the moon in under an hour there and back. Well, this hike took us just under 3 hours! It was great though. The weather was perfect. We climbed over some patches of snow at places. The kids had a good time figuring out which animals each of the footprints belonged to. Mostly bear, reindeer, and tigers. They also liked looking at the holes in the ground and figuring out what lived in there. Connor decided that birds lived in the holes in the ground. It took awhile when Kaytlynn wanted to walk and had to "climb" over every small rock and branch. If there was anything over a short step up, she would put her hands down on the ground and "climb" over it. But she did well. And Josh peed for the first time in the wilderness. Yay Josh! I didn't have to work last night, so we didn't have anything we had to get home for. Just didn't want to be out there in the dark. We had perfect timing getting back, though. Just as the sun was going down. Then we went for some Slurpees. Yep, it was a good Mothers Day! I'm looking forward to doing more family things like this now that I know the kids can do it.

Loads and loads of food

So Beehive Homes asked if I could work this last Saturday, May 9th. Usually the regular at the post office loves to work on a Saturday and take one of the weekdays off. But last Saturday she was going on a trip, and I think I know why. I got some others to cover for me on Saturday at Beehive and told them I would get there when I was done with my route around 2 or 3. That is when I usually get done on Saturdays. I got to the post office at 7:15 after working at my other job all night long and found out it was National Letter Carrier food drive day. Yikes! It made for quite the long day. Luckily I got someone to cover for me at Beehive, because I was done at 6:15 p.m. I do not know how much food I picked up, but it had to be a ton. Literally. I'm sure I picked up 2,000 pounds of food. It just filled the truck.

The first few bags that I picked up brought a tear to my eye. It was so wonderful how giving everybody was! I was excited when I saw another bag filled with canned goods and non-perishable food items. It didn't take long, though, for me to see another bag and be bummed. Where was I going to put this bag, and the next one, and the next one? I saw bags tied to the mailboxes and out on the sidewalk far down the street, and on the other side. There are around 600 houses on this route, and I probably picked up around 200 bags filled with food. Or more. Who knows. I wish I had my camera. So it was kind of rough doing this on no sleep, but then I really am happy to have helped. And not just because they rewarded us with Krispy Kremes! But, yeah. It was good, but I'm glad it only rolls around once a year!