Sunday, September 13, 2009


I was just looking at old pictures of my cute kids, and it seriously made my heart hurt at how much I miss them at different stages in their lives. They were so cute! I miss them when they were little babies that made those sweet sounds. Goos and gaas and sweet sleeping sighs. Those sweet smiles and the lack of control they had over their arms and legs, so they would just kick, kick, kick, and throw their arms around in the air. Those little eyes staring at you and trying to make them smile and laugh. Then when they would try and get around without being able to walk. I miss holding and rocking them when they weighed next to nothing and those little hands holding onto my finger. I certainly don't miss everything and I wouldn't want to go back to that time because it was also really hard. I look forward to when they grow up and I can really have a conversation with them and I can drag them to do the things that I enjoy and hopefully they will also be really good and enjoy doing those things. But when I hold them in my arms, it is sad to think that soon they will be too big to pick up and hold. I love my kids so much and they are just so darn cute!! My mom always said that she wishes we could be little again for just one day out of the month. That would be nice.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Connor loves girls

I asked Connor if he met a boy named Derrick in his pre-school class (I found out my friends son is in the same class)and Connor said "No, but there's 3 girls."

Just some background: Connor loves girls. When he was 2, we were at the park and I couldn't find him for a minute, and then I saw him sitting in the middle of a circle of a bunch of girls--probably 8 year olds. At my family reunion, he was always wondering where my cousin and her friend were--"Where's the girls?" "Girls, we're over here." "I'm going to go find the girls" We were at a parade and he would wave at all the pageant winners on the floats and say "Hi girls! Look, Mom, it's girls." He holds girls hands and gives them hugs and kisses. Girls like to take care of him, too. They are always carrying him over to me if he's crying or anything. Funny.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


So a quick update, because I only have 5 minutes.....Josh started kindergarten, and though it was a horrendous experience getting him to go to school on the first day, he now loves it and loves going every day. We signed him up for kindergarten soccer and he still has not played. At least he sits on the grass and watches now and doesn't throw a HUGE tantrum getting there. Connor is starting pre-school on Thursday, Kaytlynn had her princess birthday party last Saturday (she will be 3 on Sep. 7th). I have been working a Ton--and when I say that, I mean 100 hour weeks--because Janets (the lady I sub for at the post office) husband died, so I am working 6 days a week, along with my other jobs. Brad is trekking away at his business ventures and his job. I'll put pictures up later!