Saturday, March 21, 2009

Life as a letter carrier

I am really enjoying my mail-lady job lately. There's a few reasons for this--I am getting done in 7 hours, and I get paid for 9 hours. That's $24 an hour! Which is good for me and for Utah Valley. A little perk is that everyone seems to love me. Almost everybody waves when I drive by and I "make peoples day" a lot when I bring them packages or checks. It is also the perfect weather here now. I love to be outside in the sun! This is a big change from when I first started and I wanted to cry every day that I worked and just kept thinking that I couldn't do it. It is a hard job when you first start! The majority of people that I have talked to about it have actually cried. Some double up on their medication for the day. Not kidding. I knew this day would come that I would be faster and it would be worth it, and I am relieved it is finally here. And just a side note--I have the best hubby ever!! I'm a lucky girl.

1 comment:

CamiKay said...

Yay Cara!!!
That's so nice that you're enjoying it and you're good at it. $24 an hour =) AWESOME!!!!