Thursday, April 2, 2009

Jobs coming out of my ears

I am a woman of many jobs now. I am working at the post office still delivering mail as a sub. I am working at Discovery Academy doing nightwatch full time-5 nights a week. I am working across the street from our house at the Assisted Living Home where I take care of 10 cute little old ladies (I consider this my volunteer job because they pay so little. But the ladies are fun.) I am just on call, but averaging 15 hours a week. I am now working at New Haven doing nightwatch 2 shifts a week-8 hours total. I am technically employed on call at Daniels Academy doing nightwatch, although I haven't worked there since January. And I just took a test today to work on the 2010 census. I got a 93%, so we'll see. Brad works 35 hours a week from home from 5-midnight, which is so handy for all the trainings and everything I have to go to! I figure I need to work as much as I can right now--just in case. I've watched "Cinderella Man" too many times, I think. I'm just a little afraid the economy will get worse, so I am getting while the getting is good. I guess I could always fall back on curb painting! So, anyway, that is--yes, count them--5 jobs. Oohhhhhhh........Man, I almost forgot the most grueling, time-consuming, physically and emotionally draining job of all! Being a wife. Ha, just kidding--it's being a mom, of course!!

1 comment:

CamiKay said...

Oh my goodness my sister is crazy. I have ONE job for FIFTEEN hours a week and I don't have kids. Guess all the work ethic in the family went to you!!!!
Good on ya, but if you get tired, I don't think anyone would fault you for quitting one of those jobs and getting a little sleep...