Josh is absolutely loving soccer. He can't get enough. He's always asking how many days and how many hours and how many minutes until he can play soccer. Connor has been getting frustrated though, and crying, because it is next to impossible to get a ball away from Josh. It's like he has glue on his shoes, or magnets, because that kid gets that ball and runs with it and I can't get the thing away from him. Josh has been very good at getting the ball (a lot!) and getting it to Connor so Connor actually has a lot of chances. But I think other kids are also getting frustrated because Josh is so good and they don't get much of a chance. I think the coaches even have a hard time stealing it away to give other kids a chance. I don't want to frustrate other kids so much that they don't like playing but I also don't want to squish Josh's talent. We signed him up for a kindergarten soccer league, so maybe that will be better. Right now they are on a 4 and 5 year old team and Josh will be 6 in November. But I played with Josh and I can totally see how Connor feels, because it was even getting frustrating for me! I had to cheat to score any goals. Yep. He's good.
thats awesome he found what hes good at.. I think you should just ignore what other kids and parents think. Realisticly only a few of the good kids will go on to play the sport in high school or college and If he is already good you should keep him in it and let him kick everyones butt at it so that it can help him have a passion in life and goals.
Thanks Shay! I think you're right.
I agree with Shaley!
Good for Josh and Connor! Man that looks nothing like most kid games that I've seen, where the kids all crowd around the ball in a tight little knot and kick kick kick. This looks like real soccer- with midgets.
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