Friday, February 4, 2011

Furniture in our room

Here is our new (somebodies old) furniture in our room. We really need to get something up on the walls! And on the armoire!


Kristen and Erik Cambridge said...

It is soo fun to get new furniture! Go! It looks fantastic. That is the kind of set we want to get, color and everything. I will have to keep looking on KSL. You have given me hope that I can find a great one used. Glad you are enjoying your new furniture! BTW thanks for the baby cake. It is by far the cutest present I have gotten yet. I have it proudly displayed on my changing table:)

CamiKay said...

Sometimes I forget to read your blog for a while so I get to catch up on several posts and I always want more!!!! I'm so glad you write down all the cute things the kiddos do so I feel like I can get to know their personalities even though I'm far away.
Love you!