Connor brought home his first take home book today, "I See Sam". He did really well at reading it, but I don't know how much was guessing. It's so fun when the kids start really reading. There was a "blizzard" today. Brad came home from work early and Connors wrestling was canceled. The news said to stock up on neccesities--flashlights and blankets--and said to just stay at home unless it was absolutely neccesary to go out. I went to bed around 5 p.m. and woke up around 10 p.m. I must have just slept through the whole thing. There was some snow on the ground, but not a ton. It must have passed by Spanish Fork without a lot of damage. So much for the big storm. I guess it was a lot worse in other parts of Utah....
The kids are off of school for Thanksgiving break today. Kaytlynn had a Thanksgiving "feast" on Monday in pre-school. The only thing she told me about it is they had pizza. Funny. They celebrated Josh's birthday in his class yesterday. I made up little gift bags for his class. I went to the dollar store and spent $40! Amazing how fast it can add up. I love that store. :) Just a thought for you--I am so grateful every time I walk in our door from the cold into our warm house. We are so lucky to have central heating that we can turn as high as we want! I am usually carrying a cold kid and I just can't help but say "We are so lucky to have a nice warm house!" every time we come in the door. Happy Day!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
In 4 days my baby will be 7! That is so crazy! On Friday night the kids were using me as their own human jungle gym and Josh and Kaytlynn fell on the floor and there were 2 little teeth on the floor. Perfect timing for the song "All I Want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth" Apparently that song is an American thing, because Brad has never heard it. They were Josh's 2 top middle teeth. The dentist told him at the last appointment that he needed to wiggle them in his spare time so they would come out and make room for his adult teeth. Josh has been scared and wouldn't wiggle them. There was some blood and Josh cried, but I think he was mostly just shocked. He got a slurpee to numb his mouth and that made him happy. He also got $10 from the tooth fairy! I know! I guess the value of teeth is rising, even in this economy.

So Josh is in 1st grade and doing well. His teacher loves having him in her class because he is so precise at following all the rules. He is such a rule oriented kid. He is a very picky eater, so when I am making his lunch I know he will not eat anything that he doesn't specifically ask for. He just throws it away, so I only give him what he wants. Here is what his lunch usually consists of. An apple juice box, 2 fruit rollups--unrolled and in a snack bag. If I don't do this, he says he can't open it and throws it away. 1 Nacho Cheese Dorito, 2 pieces of apple--red, unpeeled, each piece 1/8th of the apple. If I try to trick him and cut the pieces any bigger, he only eats half of the piece of apple. I recently dropped Connor off at school and Josh was the only kid on the playground. I thought maybe he had ditched class to play, but he was just the first one done with lunch and wanted to play on the monkey bars. I asked him before what he does at recess and he said "um, the monkey bars or something. I do what I want." I look every time I pass the school to see if I can see him and I finally did. He was chasing and being chased by other kids. Takes after his mom. I think I started that chasing thing in kindergarten and it lasted through 3rd grade. I remember one time in the 3rd grade, I ran so hard that the next morning my legs hurt so bad and I could barely walk. Another time a boy, Manuel (weird the things your brain remembers. I can remember this, but can't remember the names of the people I work with.) was chasing me and I kept looking behind me and he was catching up. I think he was a guy that would tackle me and not be careful, so I yelled my brothers name as loud as I could, and there Jarom was in seconds like a superhero. He immediately saw what was happening and went and tackled Manuel. What a good brother.
So I'll give you all one guess on what Josh wants to do for his birthday. Yep, Chuck E. Cheeses AGAIN. I told him he could ice skate or have his birthday at the gym or Jumpin Jacks. But no, it's always Chuck E. Cheeses.
By the way, my blogs are probably going to be a lot more often, long, and random because I have not written in journals for sooooo long, and I know I'll regret not having written something down at this busy time while the kids are young and cute and time-consuming. I got my blog made into a book, so I do have something.
Okay, so Josh is playing basketball and he loves it. He's so cute when someone throws the ball and he stops for a second, then jumps all around with excitement and pumps his fist in the air when they get a basket. Connor is in wrestling and was having a lot of fun and really looking forward to it until the matches started. He usually gets pinned right away and then complains that his neck hurts. He gave it a shot though. Connor also decided to quit gymnastics. I'm sad because it would have been really fun to see him get really good and then do stunts out snowboarding. I think he just gets tired after school and all the activities he does. Next we will try piano. I can't remember which kids said they wanted to do piano lessons, but my dad and stepmom sent down the piano, so we've gotta take advantage!
And Kaytlynn, oh Kaytlynn. She is as stubborn and hard-headed as they come. I think I will give up ever trying to get her to do something she doesn't want to do right now, because she will win. She still gets naked when she's mad and can't figure out anything else to do. She said she didn't want to go to school and I asked why not. She took all her clothes off and said "I just want to stay home and be naked! Hmf!" She loves having "pitnits" and gets out blankets multiple times a day, spreads them out on the floor in the front room (and gets very angry if the blanket is not perfectly smooth), then climbs up in the pantry and gets things like 3 cans of tomato soup, a box of macaroni and cheese, crackers, honey, fruit snacks.....she fills up her tea pot with water and we have a tea party picnic. Another thing she says when she gets mad is "I'm not doind to have a pitnit with you! Hmf!" (Arms folded) "I have to have my own pitnit and you have to have your own pitnit." She also says "I'm not your sister anymore!" when she gets mad. Hm. I'm not your sister anymore, dad is good, mom is not, I'm not doind to play with you anymore, and I'm mad! And lets not forget "You're mean!" and "I hate you!" Oh, the joys. She can be very sweet too, but not too often. She has this signature Kaytlynn move where she licks you and then kisses you. Sometimes she'll run to the door and give me hugs and a lick and a kiss on the cheek when I'm going somewhere. That's nice. She also has filler conversation, because the girl loves to talk. She tells me-"Mom, you need to go take a shower because your hair is messy, and nobody wants to see that." Or "let me go change because I'n wearing pajamees and nobody wants to see that" Okay, enough writing for today.

So Josh is in 1st grade and doing well. His teacher loves having him in her class because he is so precise at following all the rules. He is such a rule oriented kid. He is a very picky eater, so when I am making his lunch I know he will not eat anything that he doesn't specifically ask for. He just throws it away, so I only give him what he wants. Here is what his lunch usually consists of. An apple juice box, 2 fruit rollups--unrolled and in a snack bag. If I don't do this, he says he can't open it and throws it away. 1 Nacho Cheese Dorito, 2 pieces of apple--red, unpeeled, each piece 1/8th of the apple. If I try to trick him and cut the pieces any bigger, he only eats half of the piece of apple. I recently dropped Connor off at school and Josh was the only kid on the playground. I thought maybe he had ditched class to play, but he was just the first one done with lunch and wanted to play on the monkey bars. I asked him before what he does at recess and he said "um, the monkey bars or something. I do what I want." I look every time I pass the school to see if I can see him and I finally did. He was chasing and being chased by other kids. Takes after his mom. I think I started that chasing thing in kindergarten and it lasted through 3rd grade. I remember one time in the 3rd grade, I ran so hard that the next morning my legs hurt so bad and I could barely walk. Another time a boy, Manuel (weird the things your brain remembers. I can remember this, but can't remember the names of the people I work with.) was chasing me and I kept looking behind me and he was catching up. I think he was a guy that would tackle me and not be careful, so I yelled my brothers name as loud as I could, and there Jarom was in seconds like a superhero. He immediately saw what was happening and went and tackled Manuel. What a good brother.
So I'll give you all one guess on what Josh wants to do for his birthday. Yep, Chuck E. Cheeses AGAIN. I told him he could ice skate or have his birthday at the gym or Jumpin Jacks. But no, it's always Chuck E. Cheeses.
By the way, my blogs are probably going to be a lot more often, long, and random because I have not written in journals for sooooo long, and I know I'll regret not having written something down at this busy time while the kids are young and cute and time-consuming. I got my blog made into a book, so I do have something.
Okay, so Josh is playing basketball and he loves it. He's so cute when someone throws the ball and he stops for a second, then jumps all around with excitement and pumps his fist in the air when they get a basket. Connor is in wrestling and was having a lot of fun and really looking forward to it until the matches started. He usually gets pinned right away and then complains that his neck hurts. He gave it a shot though. Connor also decided to quit gymnastics. I'm sad because it would have been really fun to see him get really good and then do stunts out snowboarding. I think he just gets tired after school and all the activities he does. Next we will try piano. I can't remember which kids said they wanted to do piano lessons, but my dad and stepmom sent down the piano, so we've gotta take advantage!
And Kaytlynn, oh Kaytlynn. She is as stubborn and hard-headed as they come. I think I will give up ever trying to get her to do something she doesn't want to do right now, because she will win. She still gets naked when she's mad and can't figure out anything else to do. She said she didn't want to go to school and I asked why not. She took all her clothes off and said "I just want to stay home and be naked! Hmf!" She loves having "pitnits" and gets out blankets multiple times a day, spreads them out on the floor in the front room (and gets very angry if the blanket is not perfectly smooth), then climbs up in the pantry and gets things like 3 cans of tomato soup, a box of macaroni and cheese, crackers, honey, fruit snacks.....she fills up her tea pot with water and we have a tea party picnic. Another thing she says when she gets mad is "I'm not doind to have a pitnit with you! Hmf!" (Arms folded) "I have to have my own pitnit and you have to have your own pitnit." She also says "I'm not your sister anymore!" when she gets mad. Hm. I'm not your sister anymore, dad is good, mom is not, I'm not doind to play with you anymore, and I'm mad! And lets not forget "You're mean!" and "I hate you!" Oh, the joys. She can be very sweet too, but not too often. She has this signature Kaytlynn move where she licks you and then kisses you. Sometimes she'll run to the door and give me hugs and a lick and a kiss on the cheek when I'm going somewhere. That's nice. She also has filler conversation, because the girl loves to talk. She tells me-"Mom, you need to go take a shower because your hair is messy, and nobody wants to see that." Or "let me go change because I'n wearing pajamees and nobody wants to see that" Okay, enough writing for today.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Connor Loves Girls #2
As I posted a long time ago--Connor loves girls. . When he started pre-school, they had a fire drill and the kids were walking back to their classroom. I saw all the kids in Connors class walking single file back to the room and Connor was the last one, holding a girls hand. He knew exactly how many girls were in his class, but hadn't the faintest idea of how many boys there were. He had a long time girlfriend, Braylee, and by the end of the school year he had 2 girlfriends, Braylee and Daisy. Daisy's dad didn't seem too thrilled about this.
So Connor started wrestling last week. They were in a big room at the high school learning wrestling moves. There were 86 kindergarten to 2nd graders and out of those 86, there was one girl. At the end of the practice they were playing two separate games of "Sharks and Minnows" In each game there were 3 sharks. The minnows would crawl to the other side of the room, trying not to get slammed down to the floor by the sharks. If one of the sharks got you, you would become a shark.
I think Connor had a clear plan in his head from the beginning. As he was crawling across the room, he headed straight to one of the sharks and got slammed down, so he became a shark.
As they started the next round, he made a beeline halfway across the room to the other game that was being played, headed straight for that little pony-tailed girl and slammed her down.

I swear nothing else was in his view or his mind except getting to that girl. Josh was watching with me and was like-"What the? Where is Connor going? What's he doin'? He's on the wrong side." I said "I think he's headed for that little girl." And he was. It was so funny. I so wish I had it on camera. Instead you will all have to settle for my first try at paint. Not my proudest moment as a mother, but pretty darn close :)
P.S. I went and helped at Connors class Halloween party and a mom there told me that she asked her daughter who the cutest boy in class was, and she said Connor and Micah. Hahahahaha!
So Connor started wrestling last week. They were in a big room at the high school learning wrestling moves. There were 86 kindergarten to 2nd graders and out of those 86, there was one girl. At the end of the practice they were playing two separate games of "Sharks and Minnows" In each game there were 3 sharks. The minnows would crawl to the other side of the room, trying not to get slammed down to the floor by the sharks. If one of the sharks got you, you would become a shark.

I swear nothing else was in his view or his mind except getting to that girl. Josh was watching with me and was like-"What the? Where is Connor going? What's he doin'? He's on the wrong side." I said "I think he's headed for that little girl." And he was. It was so funny. I so wish I had it on camera. Instead you will all have to settle for my first try at paint. Not my proudest moment as a mother, but pretty darn close :)
P.S. I went and helped at Connors class Halloween party and a mom there told me that she asked her daughter who the cutest boy in class was, and she said Connor and Micah. Hahahahaha!
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