Monday, May 16, 2011

A Day in the Life of Me

Here was my day on Saturday:

Midnight-7 Work

7-7:30 Pick up Bountiful Basket. We got a cantelope, 3 artichokes, lots of onions, lots of apples, lettuce, 3 mangos, blackberries, 5 pieces of corn, a pineapple, and lots more. We love Bountiful Baskets!

7:30-3:30 Worked at the post office. It was the food drive today. I hardly picked up anything compared to last year.

On the route:

I delivered this:

And picked up this:

3:30-4 Planted the garden:

4-5 Took a nap

5-5:30 Got ready

5:30-10:30 Went to the Real Salt Lake game with friends. So fun!

11-midnight Back to work.

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