Friday, January 30, 2009


So I took Connor snowboarding today. Josh says snowboarding is scary, so that's why I took Connor. Connor is 3 years old and still in diapers. So if he's smart, he will tell all the girls that he started snowboarding when he was still in diapers. They'll be really impressed. I had to put tights on him to keep his legs warm. They are Kaytlynns tights and are white with pink hearts on them. I put some socks over them so people wouldn't see them. It seems a little bit cruel to put those tights on my wild, little, crazy boy. People still saw them. They said he will always wonder why he has a tendency to cross-dress when he grows up.

So we got up there and went to rent a snowboard. I have been looking for a tiny snowbard and have not found one yet. They said they didn't have anything small enough--no boots to fit him. So I rented these cute little skis for him. At Sundance, you have to walk up a hill to get to the bunny hill, which makes no sense. I couldn't carry Connor in his clunky boots, my snowboard, and his skis, so we just went up the regular lift. Connor did really well. Everytime we stopped, he would get upset and want to keep going. I couldn't quite let myself just let go of him, though. So I held onto him the whole way down. We got to the bunny hill and the poor kid just couldn't grab onto the tow rope. So we took his skis back and went up and snowboarded down holding Connor. He liked it. When we were leaving he kept telling me that he wanted to go back up the mountain lots of times and didn't want to go home.

Connor is wild. We've been sledding a few times and he won't let anybody go with him. He wants to go alone. He runs up the hill with his sled and puts it down, then makes a running jump head first into the sled. He aims for the jumps. He never wants to go home after sledding either. This was the same kid who was going down the steep bouncy slide alone at 2 years old. The slide was for 6 years old and over. This tiny little kid going down. Funny.

1 comment:

CamiKay said...

I remember I used to take Connor to the play ground and he would be climbing up ladders and stuff and people would actually make comments like "he's so coordinated!" I think it's cause he looked littler than he really was back then.
But yeah, that little tyke is fearless! I hope sometime he'll come surfing with his Aunt Cami. Then we can fight over whether to make him a snowboarder or a surfer. I think he'll have enough sense to choose surfing...
I want to take Joshy too though!