Friday, September 4, 2009

Connor loves girls

I asked Connor if he met a boy named Derrick in his pre-school class (I found out my friends son is in the same class)and Connor said "No, but there's 3 girls."

Just some background: Connor loves girls. When he was 2, we were at the park and I couldn't find him for a minute, and then I saw him sitting in the middle of a circle of a bunch of girls--probably 8 year olds. At my family reunion, he was always wondering where my cousin and her friend were--"Where's the girls?" "Girls, we're over here." "I'm going to go find the girls" We were at a parade and he would wave at all the pageant winners on the floats and say "Hi girls! Look, Mom, it's girls." He holds girls hands and gives them hugs and kisses. Girls like to take care of him, too. They are always carrying him over to me if he's crying or anything. Funny.

1 comment:

CamiKay said...

oh I see trouble ahead!