Thursday, October 8, 2009


So Josh has really taken to fishing. We have this little fishing pole that we tie string cheese on the end of and Josh will throw the line out there and sit very patiently, shushing everyone that makes any kind of a noise. He'd probably sit there for hours. We were saying that we needed to get him a better fishing pole and he kept wanting to get one right now. He had a dime that he kept leaving next to me and I kept giving it to him and he'd say "No!" and give it back to me. I thought he just didn't want to hold it. Then I went to put it in his pocket and he got so upset at me. He said "Will you just take this and go get me a better fishing pole?!", as he put the dime in my hand. I wonder what he'd do if he actually caught a fish?


Autumn said...

That's pretty funny. Dan or my Dad will have to take him fishing sometime if Brad doesn't like it.

shunt said...

thats cute.
Jager loves fishing too.. goodness if we took them I an just picture both of them just sitting on the doc for hours.. lol.. that would be cute!! Come see me!! Or I need to come there!