Monday, July 20, 2009


So you know how just when you think you're catching up on money, something just has to happen to make that not true? Yesterday morning I pulled up in our driveway and the engine was steaming and coolant drained out of the Jeep. There was coolant everywhere, like a little coolant explosion. I got Brad out of bed and I was taking care of the kids while he checked it out. We seem to have car trouble happen with both of our cars at the same time, so I'm just hoping that's not always true. The check engine light has been going on and off in the Jeep too. Brads job just moved to Bluffdale, a 40 minute drive away, so we need both cars. Brad finally got the leaking tire changed on the van. We just don't have any time to get these things done, because we're working so hard trying to catch up with money. There is no climax to this story. Brad, yay Brad!, figured out that a hose had come off and hit the fan, cutting it up, so he was able to fix the hose and we think it's fine.

Last night I was going to put breadsticks in the oven, so I turned it on and almost immediately there was smoke coming out and a really awful electrical burning smell. I don't even want to bother trying to figure out if we can fix it or not. I think this is the original oven to the house, from 1992, and I won't be sad to see it go. I want a flat cooktop that is easy to clean! I just don't want to spend $500+ to get it. And can you believe they sell the electric cords seperate? What?

If anybody has an opinion on a great stove, send it my way! I figure the van is due to break in October because that's when the warranty is up and soon we will have another car payment. And it's time to renew the passports.....Man, we are never gonna get our boat!


shunt said...

check craigslist

and im right there with you.. but with only one income for 5 people.. suuuuucckkkkkyyy

Autumn said...

I hate car problems, especially when I cause them myself (like running over rocks and stuff) Totally not fun. Hope you get things fixed for not too much money.