Thursday, July 30, 2009


Josh and Connor had their first day of soccer yesterday and they loved it! They both did really, really well. I had no idea they were so good. Brad played with them a lot last year but hasn't played much with them this year, but they really remembered how to play, and practice paid off. Josh scored 4 times! I think the score was actually 4 to 3. Maybe 5 to 3. The coaches kept giving him 5 and people would cheer, and on the last goal, one coach put Josh on his shoulders and ran around. I think Josh loved it, because he isn't usually the center of attention. Connor fell down a lot, but that's to be expected. Gosh, I hope they don't kick him out or anything, because he would fall, and then kids would all trip over him and fall. He's a real liability! But he was so good at staying on that ball and kicking it. If it wasn't Josh kicking it, it was usually Connor. The coaches had to take the ball away from them so the other kids had a chance to kick it. I wonder if we practiced with them on everything if they would be good at everything, or if they just have a real talent for soccer?

Here's Connor, though. We were getting in the car and the kids were running around the car. The passenger front door was wide open--very easy to see--and Connor ran smack into it and bumped his head. Then we got to where they were playing soccer. I let him out of the car and two steps into the run to the soccer practice, he tripped and fell and scraped his knees a little. I do not even know how many times he fell during practice. Probably 20. The coaches had to tie his shoes twice. He fell on the way to the drinking fountain. But it was not his shoes--this is normal. Earlier in the day he ran straight into a kid. The kid was just standing there, and here comes Connor--smack! I guess the kid was bigger than Connor and it didn't seem to bother him, but geez kid! He used to run straight into the walls a lot, but seems to have gotten past that now.

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