Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Med Truck

Here is an idea that I have wanted to make into a video for a long time now. If anybody has the desire to make my dream come true, please do!

Focus in on an elderly couple sitting at their dining room table. You can hear faint music. The old man turns up his hearing aid and his face lights up. It is an ice cream truck tune. They look at eachother and get up as fast as their old legs will let them. Next we see old people flocking out of their houses, very excited. They are walking just as fast as they can. Some with walkers, some with canes. They are all headed for the ice cream truck playing the music. But it turns out that it's not an ice cream truck. They wouldn't like that any way because of their sensitive teeth. They are after the Med Truck. They all want to be first in line to get the best meds before they sell out. One man with a walker throws a rope or bedsheet or something that catches the truck, and the man hangs on to the sheet and bounces along behind the truck, hanging on to his walker, which also bounces along. K. I can't finish the rest right now, but I thought it would be hilarious!

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