Monday, June 1, 2009

Knocked out

So our poor little Kaytlynn knocked her tooth out yesterday. Actually, the floor knocked it out. This is a tooth that we just spent I don't know how much money on capping last month. Probably close to a thousand dollars. She had an accident with the recliner and ended up face down on the floor with no tooth. The dentist said that we should probably just leave it, because 90% of the time they die anyway and it is likely to cause an infection if we try to put it back in and it's a baby tooth. Luckily it's not a middle front tooth, but it's a tooth next to the middle. I always think these little kids with missing teeth look like little trailer park white trash kids. Isn't that horrible? Not to be mean or anything, because I lived in a trailer park when I was Kaytlynns age. So she will be missing a tooth for about 5 years until her adult tooth grows in. Tonight the tooth fairy came and left 2 little "pwetty dwesses" under her pillow, since she's not old enough to enjoy money yet. Poor girl. So when you see her with a missing tooth, that is what happened! Will post a picture when I get one.

1 comment:

shunt said...

aaww, poor girl! i know a little girl (4) thats missing the front 2 and its hard to understand her.. i feel so bad for her. so im glad its not her front one!!!