Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Today was Josh's first day of T-ball. He played last year and loved it almost as much as I loved taking him and playing with him. Today he would not get out of the car. Brad took him and Josh was crying and saying he just wanted to go home. So Brad brought him back and I had a go. Josh does this at everything we go to. Cries and whines and says he wants to go home. Then we get him in and involved and he loves it and doesn't want to go home at the end. Well, I tried everything. I tried asking, begging, bribing, reasoning, using reverse psychology, and anything else I could think of. Nothing worked. He said he just wanted to stay in the car and go home. I told him I was going to go have fun. I went and got his shirt and hat and came back to see if he'd changed his mind. Nope. Still buckled into his car seat sulking. I went back out and watched the kids play. Went back to the car and he still wanted to go home. I told him that if he didn't play he wouldn't get a snow cone on the way home (a tradition from last year.) That didn't phase him. I told him he could go home after and play the computer and that didn't work. I begged him to play because I wanted to play and couldn't without him. Nope. I unbuckled his car seat and unlocked the doors and went and sat on the grass, thinking that I would hear the car door anytime and see him getting out. Nope. 15 minutes later he was still sitting in his car seat. So finally, I thought 'We're not wasting our money and time on this. Connor would absolutely love this more than he has loved anything, ever. Even monster trucks and licking dirt.' So I took Josh home and got Connor. Connor is less than a month away from his 4th birthday anyway. He got to play for only 10 minutes, but that kid was so excited! He was hopping, hopping, hopping. He could not keep still. If he wasn't running bases, he was hopping. He is going to have a blast. Good thing we've got a back-up player.:) Josh is so stubborn, I can't believe it. I cannot see Connor ever doing anything like that. Kaytlynn, on the other hand....she takes after Josh. Oh, well. It will be more fun with Connor anyway. *Sigh*


Autumn said...

Josh is such a little stinker. I hope he get's over this phase or he's going to miss out on so much!

CamiKay said...

Aw I love that little stinker. Just think, if he were to play t-ball,he'd miss out on sitting in the car sulking!