She has been picking her nose and eating whatever she picks lately. The more we tell her it's gross and disgusting, the more she looks straight at us and does it again. In the movie theatre she decided to try her ears. She told me "Mom, I picked my ear wax and ate it, but I didn't like it." Thank goodness! That reminds me of high school when an 18 year old in our ward was engaged to this guy. He was sitting next to her at church and was digging around in his ear, then pulled it out and nudged his fiancee and made her look at his findings on his finger. I really couldn't believe she was going to throw away her single youth for that guy. I'm not sure if she did or not.
Anyway, Kaytlynn farted, fluffed, passed gas, had wind--whatever you want to call it--and of course had to say loudly that she farted and it stunk and laugh. She describes her farts as smelling like somebody pooped in their pants. If she smells something out in public, she is not afraid to describe it. The other night it was "Mom, it stinks out there. It smells like horse poop." So this kid reminds me of an adolescent boy in some ways. She is a very windy child. But then she is so girly in other ways, like loving the movie. I kept looking over at her and she would be feeling her hair, twisting it around her hand. She would start trying to sing the song that Rapunzel was singing. She critiques almost all girls she sees saying whether she likes their hair or not. Her moods swing like crazy. At one minute she is laughing and talking, and at the next she is screaming "NNOOOOOO!" if you don't read her mind. I just have to ignore her when she's like that. She will often stomp off crying into her room and slam the door. Anyway, it's a nail biter to think of what she will be like as a teenager.
Josh got some awesome gifts for his birthday. One of them was nerf guns. We now have enough for the whole family. Brad got the one that holds 6 of the little suction cup bullets--what the heck! Everyone else got guns that held 3 or 4 bullets. We played a nerf gun version of capture the flag. We'd turn off the lights and tip toe around the dark house, hiding behind walls and chairs, then start shooting when we saw someone on the other team. It was a lot of fun. All of the boys were totally sweating. Kaytlynn had a little fit when something didn't go her way and decided she wasn't going to play, but agreed to let us use her as a decoy. She went prancing up the stairs with her gun and almost made it to the base before Brad realized what she was doing and shot her. There were suction cup bullets everywhere when we were done. Sticking to the ceiling, the walls, and windows. I think back to when we played "witches and warlocks" in the dark house as kids. That is what good memories are made of and that's what I was thinking as we were playing--'We're making memories.' There's this guy, Nate, that works at the post office. He always has something witty to say as he's leaving to do his route. One morning as he was leaving, he said "Cara. There is about 3 inches of new snow out there and the fun is for the taking. Let's go out and make some postal memories!"
It's so fun to hear about your kids, since I'm not with you at night to hear the stories any more. I was laughing at these.
I still miss New Haven and working with you, Tammy!
That Kaytlynn is a holy terror, when she grows up to be a terrible teenager, you send her to me. I'll teach her to surf.
I love that you're making memories with the kids, I still remember playing witches and warlocks too!
I love hearing about your little fam.
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