Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So I ran out of Ambien on Monday. I get a refill today. On Sunday I got to sleep for awhile in the morning, then hung out with the family, then slept from 8:30 to 10:30. I went to work Sunday night at 11, worked for 8 hours, went straight to the post office and worked for 11 hours, came home and did some stuff. I got in bed at 8 and couldn't sleep. I finally kind of dozed off after 9, but it was not good sleep!! I was up at 10:30 and went back to work at 11. Worked for 8 hours, came home and took care of the kids. Tried to rest, but just couldn't. I became a walking zombie. I was laying in bed and think I finally went to sleep around 5 and got up for work at 2:30! It was good sleep, too, thank goodness!! So yay for 9 hours of good sleep. So I was up for about 43 hours before my body finally let me get a good sleep. Yeah, I'd rather use the Ambien, thanks!

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